Knee Arthritis
Knee Arthritis Rehabilitation Exercises

Side Stepping:
This easy exercise is literally hard to resist. Just place a resistance band around both of your ankles, and step sideways until you feel resistance. Move 10-20 steps in one direction, then reverse. As your muscles strengthen, you’ll notice you can take larger steps.

Knee Strengthener:
This is a great exercise to do while loafing on your couch or easy chair. With your knees bent, cross one ankle over the other. Press down with the top leg and up with the bottom leg, maintaining equal pressure. Hold 10-20 seconds.
Quad Strengthener:
Remain seated. Extend one leg out, gradually lifting it until you can feel your quad muscles tighten (the quads are the four muscles on the front of your thigh, just above the knee). Hold for 10-20 seconds. Repeat with your other leg. You can also do this exercise in a standing position to improve your balance.

Quad Stretch:
Now that you’ve strengthened your quadriceps, it’s time to stretch them. In a standing position, with your left hand holding on to something for support, grab your right foot or ankle with your right hand and gradually bring the heel of your foot toward you until you feel a stretch. Hold for 10-20 seconds. Repeat with your other leg.

One of the best things you can do for your knees is to move them, even if it feels a little uncomfortable. In a classic Catch 22, lack of use will make the muscles around your knees gradually become weaker, making it even more difficult and painful to move around (hence the old saw – use it or lose it). Try walking with a buddy or listening to your favorite music to distract you. Once you get past the initial discomfort of walking, the activity will become easier and more enjoyable.