The Power of Positive Thinking

Mind over Medicine Most of us have heard of the “placebo” effect. This healing effect occurs in patients during clinical trials, when they are given a fake or sham treatment, yet they still feel the positive benefits. The placebo effect is real, some suggest involvement up to 70% of the time. But this effect is […]
A Guide to the “Medicinal Diet”

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates, 400 B.C. I have previously written about why a calorie is not just a calorie and the key to an anti-inflammatory diet. While foods do provide us with energy, they can also shape our health and determine the way we live. In addition to […]
Stay Healthy While you are Flying

Almost 1 billion people fly or board an airline every year. We all can agree that air travel can be tiring and often cumbersome, between TSA, boarding the flight and eventually retrieving your bags at your destination. Flying can mess with your natural (circadian) rhythm which can increase your stress and increase your chance of […]
How to Keep Up with the Kids….and not Get Hurt!

Many of the patients I see are new parents, new grandparents or even aunts/uncles. A well-established study states that children suffer fewer injures while spending time with grandparents and family members than when they are with other caregivers. Unfortunately, as you may already know, even the youngest and fittest family members can get aches and […]
How Much Water Should You Drink

You may have heard that there’s no science behind the age-old advice to drink eight cups of water a day, but how much should you be drinking? It seems like a pretty basic question, but unfortunately there’s no clear-cut answer. Water is the one nutrient we can’t survive without for more than a few days […]
Treatments for Knee Osteoarthritis

Arthritis of the Knee Arthritis is inflammation of one or more of your joints. Pain, swelling, and stiffness are the primary symptoms of arthritis. Any joint in the body may be affected by the disease, but it is particularly common in the knee. An estimated 54 million adults in the United States are affected by […]
Preventing Golf Injuries

A lot of golfers are playing hurt which doesn’t necessarily mean broken-bones, but more commonly, tendinitis, sore muscles and arthritis. Almost 2/3 of amateur golfers will sustain a golf injury and this is typically due to poor swing mechanics, being out of shape or most likely, they don’t adequately warm up. Golf stretches can help […]
What Happens To Your Body When You Wear Heels?

High-heeled shoes increase the pressure on the knees by 26% This may lead with osteoarthritis The calf muscle can become permanently tightened Pump Bump The “pump bump” also known as Haglund’s deformity can appear Morton’s Neuroma Tight fitting shoes can contribute to Morton’s Neuroma (thickening of nerves that can cause sharp pain and numbness) Bunions […]
Does Weather Affect Joint Pain?

How the weather can affect joint pain, and what to do about it. How do our bodies know when a storm could be looming? Many patients say they “feel it in their bones”, but is it just an old wives’ tale? Can joint pain actually predict weather changes? Believe it or not, your weather forecasting […]
The great debate over White meat and Dark meat

The great debate over white meat and dark meat has been going on for as long as nutritionists can remember. Some people don’t like dark meat, while others extol its virtues and eat nothing else. But what is the difference between white meat and dark meat? What is Dark Meat? Dark meats simply have more […]